
Global experts - intelligent insights

Thought starters

AI and the supply chain

Content strategy
Creative direction
Campaign strategy
Art direction
Globla filming and production 
Motion & post

Developed in close collaboration with the incredible team at Goodman Group, Thought starters AI is the third instalment of an integrated digital and social media initiative that looks at AI’s impact on global supply chains and data centres. The series includes interviews with global experts in AI and covers everything from product design and manufacturing to logistics and retail distribution.

Now in its 5th year of production, this thought leadership series engages Goodman customers and wider industry stakeholders with unique insights on the key trends impacting business. Our team has travelled the globe to speak with opinion leaders to gain deep-dive information to understand more about AI innovation and technology advancements in supply chain, logistics, e-commerce and retail.

See more about our long-term partnership with Goodman across their digital, media, content and marketing strategy. 


