
Dilmah - The Story of Goodness

Written by Ryan Bodger | Sep 28, 2020 2:00:46 AM

Dilmah is devoted to sustainable and ethical production of their tea and this, along with their dedication to quality and taste, provided the creative platform to engage Australians across social media.

The development of the campaign began through extensive market research in partnership with Dilmah to identify the addressable market, the competitive set, tea lovers and specifically the audience who share Dilmah’s values. Our social media strategy was to focus on capturing new customers here in Australia, by driving awareness with the principles, purpose and quality of Dilmah.

To elevate brand awareness and increase purchase consideration, we combined striking imagery, punchy copy lines and visually enticing video footage that quickly attracted the attention of consumers to encourage higher brand recall. The campaign tagline of 'Just the good stuff' served to encapsulate both the brand purpose and the tea ingredients in a colloquial relevant way to resonate with Aussies. Interactive stories on Instagram prompted engagement from the audience to select their tea of choice using polls.

We used our research and strategic insights to build consumer profiles for detailed targeting of ads and content across Facebook and Instagram specifically. We then aligned this with multiple creative executions to a/b test and optimise creative performance and metrics such as video completion, engagement rates and cost efficiencies.

The creative premise throughout was to show the genuine Dilmah story and purpose, how they approach ethical production and sustainability. This starts with their agriculture, all the way through to their packaging. This was our focal point for the campaign to capture the authenticity of the company's culture behind their quality products.

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